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Learn about wellspring church


WELCOME TO wellspring Church

Being a part of this fellowship, we ask that you commit to serve, tithe, and attend! Here are the many opportunities for our ENGAGE SERVE TEAM you can be a part of.


Social media is one of our best tools for inviting! When you see a post from WC, be sure to like, comment, and share. This is an easy, yet very effective way to help spread the word of all that God is doing in and through this Body of Christ.



Invite your friends and family to be a part of our services! Our services are at 9:00 or 11:00 AM every Sunday. We also have our Monday evening Encounter Nights at 6:30, and our mid-week Equip Night every Wednesday at 7:00 PM.


One thing that we are building here at Wellspring Church is our WC Groups. Connecting in a more intimate level is important to us because it builds a deeper trust within our relationships. As time goes on, and as our fellowship continues to grow, we will be adding more groups to the roster that will consist of different studies and topics. 


Currently, our men and women's ministry meet on the 1st Thursday of every month. We start off the night with food and fellowship, followed with combined worship, and then we split off for a teaching geared for each group. If you would like to stay in the know of what’s coming next at Wellspring Church, be sure to sign up for our text updates. All you need to do is text “WCUPDATES” to number 855.812. 3283.


We have many areas on our Engage Serve Team that you can get plugged into. Areas like Worship Ministry, Prayer Team, WC Kids, Guest Services, Parking, and many more. To get signed up and to start the process of getting involved here at Wellspring Church, please visit our website at and click the “GET INVOLVED” tab.


We are excited that you have decided to take the next step to serving here at Wellspring Church!

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